Team DDG



Brendan started going to DDG in 2015 and just never stopped. He currently plays with The Parentheticals. He is also part of The British American Experience (which is streamed live from their homes to yours!).


Dan joined DDG in 2015 and still can’t quite believe his luck. He plays with improv teams including Improv the Dead, PirateProv and Historyonics, and online with The British American Experience. Dan has no intention of growing up any time soon.


Lou appeared out of thin air in 2016 and promptly dedicated their entire life to improv. They learnt all they know from jamming at pretty much every DDG. Catch Lou in teams Cookie Me! and Swords&Guns, or in a random South London street.



Maddy’s attended improv classes since 2015 and joined DDG in June 2016. She plays in 20% Less, DDT, and many other imaginary teams, and has fallen off many real items of furniture. She has been permitted one cat reference. That was it.



Vale facts coming soon!


Vanessa began improv in 2016, found DDG shortly after and never looked back. She performs with fortune-cookie-inspired team Cookie Me! When not improvising, Vanessa’s probably either talking about it or trying to incorporate it into daily life.