Make it your mission to manifest some Monday madness in the month of March! Being mesmerisingly magnificent this week:
something brilliant! Enter the surreal universe of this pair of clowns, and be taken on a journey that will touch your hearts, souls, and all other areas you consent to be touched in.
The Fine Line! Walking the tightrope between worlds of wonders, join this team in a wonderment of storytelling where the genre could change at the drop of an indeterminate number of pins.
You & Me! Some teams rely on their audiences for single words. Some, for brief anecdotes. This team go one better. Get set for an experimental format in which one person is plucked from the audience and onto the stage to take part in an unknown quantity of craziness. They’ll probably make it out in one piece.
All this, plus YOU! (Unless, of course, you were the “You” in You & Me, in which case… even more of You. Good job you’re so awesome.) Speak to one of Team DDG before the start of the show to get your name in the bucket to be picked for our longform scenes and montages!