Bringing meaning to an otherwise pointless world this week:
Gorilla Panic! Vic & Steff have skills beyond running your favourite Monday night improv jam. Such skills include hairdressing, massage, baking and being the ceaselessly charming Gorilla Panic. They are everything you've been searching for in a two-prov.
20% Less! London's, and possibly the Earth's, premier all-female improv and crunk dance team, 20% Less will be shamelessly displaying their Pretty Flower. You'll love it, if you know what's good for you.
C3?! Purveyors of the very best long-form improv comedy this side of anywhere, C3? descend from their own regular Sunday night show and jam. Kneel before them, for they are awesome.
You! In our glorious Audience Jams! There will be two person scenes, there will be multi-person jams, there will be your name in our bucket. We love you but not in a creepy way.