Making us grateful the weekend is finally over this week:
Friendshape! Inspiring improvised stories of friendship made for you and inspired by your real life stories of friendship. Friendshape are friends of DDG and friends of you.
Lester City! FA trained champions of longform improv make a gleefully chaotic return to the DDG stage. Be warned - Lester City have won many cage matches.
Bumper Blyton! The picnic hamper’s packed, so cast yourself back to the 1940s when you could delight in lashings of Ginger Beer, a mouth full of tongue sandwich or getting your lips round a nice Spotted Dick! In this riotous improvised spoof of the nation's most beloved author, the all-star cast spin an entirely new adventure for grown-ups using audience suggestions and inspiration from the Blyton classics!
AND our super amazing Audience Jams because it just wouldn't be Duck Duck Goose without your name in our bucket.
Come and play with us!